Optic fiber is widely used in
communication. It consists of a core and cladding. Core refractive index is
always greater than cladding refractive index. Some of the main types of optic
fibers are Erbium doped fiber, termination fiber, photonic crystal fiber,
photosensitive fiber, bend-insensitive fiber, high-index fiber and
polarization-preserving fiber. In photosensitive fibers, refractive index is
subjected to a change on an exposure to ultraviolet light. By doping proper
amount of germanium and boron ions, sensitivity can be increased which finds
immediate application in Bragg grating. Bragg grating is a periodic variation
of the refractive index along the fiber axis. This is used in pump lasers, optical filters
etc. Bend-insensitive fibers are fabricated by increasing the numerical
aperture. This reduces bending loss.

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Monday, 10 December 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Centrifugal pump
Centrifugal pump is used to raise
water from a low level to a high level. In these pumps, external driver is an
electrical motor which drives the shaft resulting in rotation and fluid flow in
directions opposite to those of a turbine. The main components of a centrifugal
pump are a disc with vanes and the impeller revolving in a casing. The material
used for the construction of impeller is bronze, aluminium bronze and stainless
steel. The dynamic pressure caused by the rotation of the blades lifts the
water from a low level to a high level. If diffusers are provided in pumps,
they are known as diffusion pumps. In diffusion pumps, some fixed guide blades
act as diffuser. Centrifugal pumps which are provided with volute chambers are
known as volute pumps. Volute chambers are straight tapered ducts wrapped
around the impeller. This helps to reduce the exit velocity. Commonly used
types of impellers are closed type, semi-closed type and open type. Closed and
semi-closed types offer superlative performance and efficiency but are
expensive. Open type are less expensive and maintenance free but its efficiency
is very poor.
Dual beam oscilloscopes and dual trace oscilloscopes
An oscilloscope is an instrument
used for the measurement, analysis and display operations. Cathode ray oscilloscope
makes use of cathode ray tube, a vacuum tube device. A cathode ray tube
consists of an electron gun, two pairs of deflection plates, and a phosphor
screen. The components of electron gun are heater, oxide coated cathode, anodes
and a control grid. Heater heats up cathode and cathode emit electrons. Anode
serves the purpose of fine focusing and acceleration of electrons towards
screen. A dual beam oscilloscope has two different electron guns producing two
separate beams. It also consists of two separate vertical channels and one
horizontal time-base unit. Study of two separate waveforms simultaneously is
the main purpose of dual beam oscilloscopes. But they are expensive. In
dual-trace oscilloscopes, only one electron gun and one set of vertical and
horizontal deflection plates exist. But dual trace oscilloscopes are capable of
performing all the operations performed by a dual beam oscilloscope. An
appropriate switching operation is helping to achieve this multifunction.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Microwave remote sensing
Remote sensing is the branch of
science where information about an object is obtained by proper analysis of
data acquired by a device which is not in contact with the object. Microwave
band is a region of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelength range mm-m.
This band can be effectively used for remote sensing. There are two categories
in microwave remote sensing. They are active microwave remote sensing and
passive microwave remote sensing. Active microwave systems provide a self
illumination model. Passive microwave systems record the energy of thermal
origin emitted from materials. Imaging sensors and non-imaging sensors are used
in microwave remote sensing. Most widely used imaging radar is Side Looking
Airborne Radar, SLAR. Radars can be comprised of either real aperture or
synthetic aperture. In the real aperture system, beam
width and antenna size determines the resolution of the system. Synthetic
aperture system yields better resolution due to the superlative signal
processing techniques. Some factors which affects the microwave measurements
are surface roughness, radar backscattering coefficient and radar wavebands.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
The network layer of the internet is called internet protocol (IP). Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) was implemented in the year 1984. The three important aspects of internet protocol are addressing, fragmentation, reassembly and routing. The four important addresses are hardware addresses (layer 2 MAC), network addresses (layer 3 IP), domain based addresses (email) and universal reference locator (URL). 48-bit addresses are used in ethernet and token ring. A 12-bit DLCI connection identifier is employed in frame relay. Telephone numbers are used in SMDS. CIDR is classless interdomain routing where address space is used efficiently by reserving the number of addresses needed for a subnet. DHCP is dynamic host configuration protocol and is used where only a few of the subscribers are logging in at a time. Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed directory service which is used for the translation between IP addresses and names. DNS is also used for the control of internet e-mail delivery.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Transmission line distortion and loading
The main two varieties of distortion in transmission line
are frequency distortion and phase distortion ( or delay distortion). Both
frequency distortion and phase distortion are not due to any non-linearity of
the system and hence they are linear distortions. The correction for frequency
distortion in a transmission line is possible by using a two-port network,
called equalizer. This network is mounted at the receiving end which is
designed to have transmission loss complementary to that of the particular
transmission line used at least over the bandwidth of interest. Measurement of
phase distortion is carried out in terms of delay distortion coefficient. Delay distortion coefficient which is also
known as differential delay is the difference between the maximum and minimum
group delays for frequencies within a specified band. Four methods that can be
adopted for a distortion less line are reducing R, increasing G, reducing C and
increasing L. Increasing the inductance (L) of the line is called loading.
There are two types of loading mechanisms- continuous loading and lumped
loading. In continuous loading, inductance of the line is increased uniformly along
the length of the line. In lumped loading, inductance coils are wound on
torroidal magnetic dust cores which are connected periodically and in series
with the transmission line.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Global hydrologic system
Hydrological cycle is a system which
comprise of components like precipitation, infiltration, runoff and
evaporation. A hydrological system can be defined as a structure in space,
bounded by a defined boundary that accepts rain water and or other inputs,
operates on them internally, and produces them as outputs. The global
hydrological system consists of three parts. They are atmospheric water system,
surface water system and sub-surface water system. Precipitation, interception,
transpiration and evaporation take place in atmospheric water system. Overland
flow, surface run-off, sub-surface outflow, groundwater outflow and runoff to
the streams and the oceans Take place in the surface water system. Infiltration, groundwater recharge,
sub-surface flow and groundwater flow take place in sub-surface water system.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Principles of energy conservation
Recycling of waste is an
important component here. We can make use of this in paper industry and
aluminium can manufacturing industry where used product has an intrinsic value.
In Japan, more than half of its waste materials are recycled. Modernization of
technology can also be used for energy conservation. Developed countries are
using modern technologies and are able to reduce the energy consumption during
production. Waste heat utilization is a significant way of energy conservation,
especially in glass industry. Flue gases produced from the furnace of a glass industry
can be used for the generation of electric power by proper mechanism. The
exhaust from backpressure turbine during electric power generation can be used
for crop drying and similar applications. If there is any condensed water
vapors, we can use it for heating fish farm, poultry farm, pig farm etc.
Optimum use of proper types of energy and fuel can save energy considerably.
Cogeneration where electricity and heat are generated in a single installation
is an excellent tool for energy conservation. Manpower skill is an important
component in energy conservation. Proper training has to be given to improve
their skill and attitude. Proper training helps them to carry out proper
operation and maintenance.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Electronic fuel control system
Electronic fuel control system is
employed in automobiles to determine accurately and precisely the mass air flow
rate into the engine. Electronic fuel control system also performs the task of regulation
of fuel delivery with optimum precision. The fuel delivery regulation is in
such a way that the ratio of the mass of air to the mass of fuel in each
cylinder is as close as possible to stoichiometry. The main components of a
electronic fuel control system are throttle position sensor, mass air flow
sensor, ignition systems, fuel injectors, engine coolant sensor, engine
position sensor and exhaust gas oxygen sensor. Fuel injectors regulate fuel
delivery and ignition systems sets optimum ignition timing. Crankshaft angular
speed is measured by engine position sensor. Output signal generated by exhaust gas oxygen
sensor is dependent on the concentration of residual oxygen in the exhaust
after combustion.
Monday, 13 August 2012
Losses in transmission lines
There exist three types of losses during
power transmission through copper cables. They are copper losses, dielectric
losses and radiation (induction) losses. Copper losses are due to the
resistance of the conductors. Here energy is dissipated in the form of heat. Loss
may also occur due to skin effect where expanding and collapsing electric
fields about each electron encircle other electrons. As a result of skin
effect, encircled electrons suffer retardation leading to power loss. If there
is a dielectric material between the conductors, it will result in dielectric
loss. Polyethylene dielectric material is preferred in conductors which causes
feeble dielectric loss. Induction losses arise when the electromagnetic field
about a conductor cuts through any nearby metallic object and a current is
induced in that object. This is a power dissipation loss. When some magnetic
lines of force about a conductor fails to return to the conductor during cycle
alternation, causes radiation losses.
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